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paragraph indentThe records in the LSUS Archives and Special Collections at Noel Memorial Library are original materials and many of them are the only copies in existence. The loss of a single paper might mean the loss of posterity of a valuable piece of historical information. These regulations are designed to protect the materials and to maintain proper working conditions. Researchers are requested to exercise all possible care to prevent damage to archival items.

paragraph indent1. Please consult the Reading Room Regulations for information regarding procedures and use of
indentationcollections and materials.

paragraph indent2. The user of the material assumes all responsibility for infringement of literary rights, copyright laws, or
indentationother legal questions that may arise from the use of manuscripts. LSUS Archives and Special Collections
indentationat Noel Memorial Library operates in full compliance with United States copyright laws (title 17, U.S. Code).
indentationFor more information regarding copyright, refer to: http://www.copyright.gov/.

paragraph indent3. Works published, unpublished, or displayed as a result of research from LSUS Archives and Special
indentationCollections materials must properly cite the collection or source(s) used. Please credit the Archives
indentationas: LSU-Shreveport Archives and Special Collections, Noel Memorial Library

paragraph indent4. To protect the collection and to facilitate the work of the patron, the Archives staff may impose any
indentationrestrictions deemed necessary.

paragraph indent**Your signature will be regarded as an agreement to observe the regulations for the use of collections/materials in the Archives and Special Collections at Noel Memorial Library to acknowledge in all photo displays, publications, or theses of the source of these materials.

Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: ____________________

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