INNER CITY CONNECTOR. The Inner City Connector references an
approximately 3.5 mile unconstructed segment of Interstate 49 between its
current terminus at Interstate 20 near Downtown Shreveport, and Interstate
220 in north Shreveport near North Market Street (Louisiana 1). Although still
in the economic feasibility and environmental impact phases of development,
proponents of the project believe that if this segment of the interstate is
actually funded and constructed, various Shreveport inner city communities
directly within the path of the proposed thoroughfare would experience a
renaissance of revitalization via the potential for economic development
and stimulus throughout the corridor of the proposed roadway. Opponents,
argue, however, that both the natural beauty of the environment; and,
that the effective cohesiveness of the communities impacted is severely
threatened by the construction of the proposed expressway in a manner that
the potential for economic revitalization is most unlikely to either materialize;
or, to even remotely mitigate. Proponents in turn counter that the potential for
comprehensive urban renewal of the communities in question is predicated upon the
successful implementation of bold initiatives such as constructing the
Inner City Connector (ICC). Nevertheless, both proponents and opponents
of the project view it as a means to galvanize support for each of their
opposing viewpoints.
Fermand Garlington
Bibliography: I-49 Inner City Connector—Shreveport.
"Home". I-49 Inner City Connector—Shreveport. Accessed on February 21. 2013.; Machi, Sara (KTBS).
"Public Meetings on Potential I-49 Connector: Shortest Paths" KTBS video, 4:45, December 11, 2012; Providence Engineering and Environmental Group, LLC.
"Caddo Parish: I-49 Inner City Connector—State Project Number 700-09-0171—Stage 0 Environmental Inventory". Providence Engineering and Environmental Group, LLC. Accessed on February 22, 2013.; White, Rod (KTBS).
"I-49 Connector Community Meeting: Residents Now Have a Voice and a Choice." KTBS video, 2:16, December 13, 2012.
The following, adapted from the Chicago Manual of Style,
15th edition, is the preferred citation for this article.
Fermand Garlington, "INNER CITY CONNECTOR" Handbook of North Louisiana Online
(http://www…….), accessed …………. Published by LSU-Shreveport.